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LInkety Dinkety Doo: Monday morning crinkly eyes

I stayed up way too late finishing up an incredible book, All Over Creation by Ruth Ozeki.  It is a dense and intense book with heartbreaking, funny, smart characters that come together randomly yet naturally. The writing is superb with metaphors that are not blindingly obviously, but rather gave me pause after reading a paragraph, thinking, "Wow, that came together beautifully."  Be warned, my husband is quite ready for me to return to our family and I am relatively sleep-deprived but it was so worth it.  On to the link love...

Sk*rt is a site where you can recommend posts, a head-shakeable blog phenomenon that I don't quite understand but will shamelessly play along with just to see my byline on the screen. One of my posts from Strollerderby is up there today and it needs a snuggle, friends. Look for "Mama Needs a Hot Italian Manny (Everything You *Really* Need For Your Newborn)"  and then click where it says "Love it." This is purely informational, I swear.

There's really nothing more to say. Well, unless you read the comments, which made me let out one of those embarrassing one syllable "HA!" laughs that gets you a strange, quizzical glare from the child.

In fact, I am so there. Are you?

Give Sarah some love for her beloved poop-wary peanuts.

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