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How I know I'm really the mama after all that testing

Overheard on the telephone with Uncle Seth (or Un-uhl Sess in Lil E-speak):

Lil E: Un-uhl Sess, I'm sick.  And we made cake today! I made cake with Mommy.

Uncle Seth: I thought you were sick? Why'd you make cake if you are sick?

Lil E: Un-uhl Sess, because cake makes you feeeel better.

Thaaaaat's my boy. Enough of this self-esteem-building conversation, cuddles and prayer. Just get the kid a slice of cake already. Come. On.

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Reader Comments (1)

atta boy.

How I know that Dylan is really mine:My mom was venting to me and crying and going on and on last week at lunch. Dylan looked at her and said, "Can't we just forget this and move on?"

Sweep it under the rug, just like mama taught you. Good girl. ;-)
August 21, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterfoodmomiac

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