Jessica Ashley facebook twitter babble voices pinterest is a single mama in the city, super-savvy editor, writer, video host and shameless shoe whore.
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Mama Needs New Shoes
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Ooh, Sassafrass! You so pretty.

Well, looky here. Sassafrass now has two sidebars. Go ahead, ooh and ahh. I'll wait.

This little change is subtle but significant. It's like Sassafrass got its hair did. Or maybe just bangs or a feather styling. It leaves you wondering whether the blog lost a few pounds or did a little faux tanning. Regardless, something's different and just a little more sassy, a little more me.

We're making room for BlogHer ads, which I am very excited to get all pretty for around here. After all, a woman's work should be empowered, validated and given worth. If that means mama gets a latte a couple times a week or even saves up for some new shoes, so be it. And if it affirms for my parents that, yes, I really do consider this my career...well, then, bonus!

Now, pass me the mirror so I can see how this all looks from behind.

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Reader Comments (2)

Hubba hubba ;)
August 23, 2007 | Unregistered Commentercrazedparent
YAY for pretty pretty new bloggy goodness... karen rani is fixing mine up for my blogher ads tooooo

August 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRachael

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