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Sweet escape

I've promised myself that in the middle of this family weekend, in the center of the emotion surrounding a memorial service, inside the pressure to push months of time apart into a few days together, that I would slip away to have some time for myself.  I am the in-law here, so I don't imagine my escape will be noticed. I could use a few hours to catch up on some reading and maybe even take a long shower and longer nap by the pool.

Here is a bit of inspiration for you to do the same:

Jen Lemen's blog is not only beautiful and inspirational, it is bursting with bloggy ways to get artful, soulful and brave. How great is that?

Speaking of ways get all artsy and whatnot, Chicago Moms Blog has a Chicago Faces photography contest running right now. Instead of being sad that this might be the last BBQ of the summer, simply send in your favorite warm weather photo and who knows? You might be well-rewarded.

Yvonne's baby boy is in high school. HIGH SCHOOL! How does it happen so fast? And how do you look so dang young, Yvonne?

Veronica's talking about the juggle for working moms with kids headed back to the classroom. I wonder, do you ever get good at the catch and release?

If you don't feel like thankin' and analyzin', just raise your hand. Is this thing dumb or freaking brilliant?

And would it be funny or a big ol' waste to order these for everyone I know for Christmas this year? OK, how about just for Bruce, Lil E and maybe one for me?

Now, back to The Hills marathon.

« Linkety Dinkety Doo: Because we're all tired from all those brats and beers anyway | Main | Getting wings »

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