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Linkety Dinkety Doo: Mama say

It's Friday and mama's ready to cash in her chips. I'm sneaking in a few hours of work while my parents take Lil E to his music class and then I'm all his for the rest of the day (or at least until Bruce comes home, please God with dinner in hand, and I go back to fekking work for a few more hours).  I have four big deadlines looming and a month's salary invested in them. As much as I want to ride out the weekend with the lazy lunches and CBS Sunday Morning, I will be fusing my fingers to my laptop. But I've promised promised PROMISED myself that I will spend an hour making a list of all the jobs and committees and commitments I have on my calendar this weekend and take action to cross off anything I don't love. Releasing my fist-hold, that's what I'm centering on. But you, darlings...grab a latte/Diet Rite/gimlet and get to some good weekendy-type reading, if I do say so myself. Here's what I've got lined up for you.

  • Trash talk - It's been a looky loo week in the world of celebrity fitness, friends.
    There was lots of heart-pounding working it out that had nothing to do
    with exercise. Regardless, after an overdose of VMA talk, nudey picture
    speculation and loaded accusations, I think we're all ready to let the
    healing begin. Before I hand out the hugs and heart rate monitors, I'll
    need a few things: Read more on my We Love to Gawk at Fit Celebs feature at That's Fit. It's full of Vanessa Hudgens, Tommy Lee, Fat Brit goodness, I swear.

  • Cheap chat - Just because I'm advocating tossing your cheapy clothes and choosing
    pieces you can invest your money, style and pride in, doesn't mean I'm
    not cheering for great fall fashion found on the cheap. Let me be clear
    - stay away from things on the clearance rack you wouldn't care about
    otherwise and steer clear of the brands in the store that are priced
    way lower for a reason. That said, you can still find those investment
    pieces at Target, Kohl's and other big-box retailers. After all,
    spending $30 is an investment for some of us and spending $30 on a
    well-made, perfectly-fitting and fun fashion is smart for all of us.
      Here are five fall finds for the fashionista who is fit with her wallet and her handweights: Read what they are on FitBeauty at That's Fit and then let it sink in slowly that the masses will soon be outfitted in Vera Wang *shiver*.

  • Summer schedule symposium - When I think back on my childhood summers spent with my educator
    parents and younger brother, the memories go something like this: Pool. Pool. Backyard pool. Backyard dodgeball. Bike riding. Camping. Beach. Pool. Some day camp. Pool. Those
    days were all about embracing the sunny weather and freedom to sleep in
    and play late. When I think about the summer I spent with my husband
    and preschooler son this year, it goes more like: Work. Work.
    Daycare shuffle. Hand kid off to hubs. Bad prime-time reality TV.
    Travel. Travel with laptop. Obligatory travel. Music class. Playgroup.
    Park. Schedule. Schedule. Stress. Collapse. Wake up early and work.
    Like many other mamas I know,
    the return of fall and preschool and the regularity of the year has
    blown in some regret that we didn't kick back more, slurping popsicles
    and poking worms. It wasn't all bad, but it also wasn't lazy or hazy or
    even the crazy days of summer. And I wonder:
    How many families pack their summers full of stress and schedules, and are summers like these a rarity, even a thing of the past? Read on at Strollerderby.

  • Creepy crafty convo - When I first saw this crafty post
    about creating dolls out of fabric photos of your loved ones for your
    babies to see and, even better, snuggle, I thought they were just
    precious. What a great way to bring all those long-distance loved ones
    a little closer for your kids and what a sweet way to instill the
    concept of being close to someone even when they live in Cleveland (not
    to pick on Cleveland, but let's face it, lots of folks purposely steer
    live far, far away from Cleveland). But the more I looked at these
    dolls -- and I honestly had a hard time clicking away -- the more I
    started to see their resemblance to the mother-in-law voodoo doll I got
    at my bachelorette party. And that made me wonder how freakish dolls
    like this fashioned after my own family (by blood or marriage, take
    your pick) would be. Of course, I will need some supplies and
    clarifications for the frankendolls I would make: Read the rest on Strollerderby.

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Reader Comments (1)

Ahh yes. We spent the summer at the lake, with no educational camps. I wish I could say the same now that school is back in session and I can't remember what my kids look like.
September 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSusieJ

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