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Get out the rubber bracelets and crimp irons

I've been spending a lot more time lately listening to music and even (God help me) spending a lot more time on YouTube (do you think I will ever get over the feeling of being fourteen while laughing dorkily to stupid commercials and Chocolate Rain)?  The result, which has really surprised me, is that the more I've listened to, the more I've craved the music I listened to a long time ago.

I've gone back to old favorites that run from Angry Chick Rock to AlternaComplaint Faves to SynthoHighSchool and AcoustiAngst.  I am breaking out CDs and paging through searches of videos and applying new insights to nostalgic songs I danced on platforms to and played in the car as I raced home to make curfew, that I vaguely recall from proms and played in the background while I planned protests in grad school. The surprising part isn't that I am coming back to this music, but that I love it just as much now as I did then, and not just out of pegged-jeans and combat boot sentiment.

From Ani to Violator, here a few fave songs blaring from my laptop, Walkman and maybe even my iPod:

Tori Tori Tori Amos, college kookyloo crush-
everything from Silent All These Years (which first made me fall in love with this lovable, gifted wingnut) to Cornflake Girl (which completely cemented my loyalty).

Depeche Mode, high school anthem makers- Good Lord, you can't have a musical reunion without inviting these boys. After all, they were there when you lost your virginity, why wouldn't they be there now? Remember how your total David Gahan obsession almost matched your boy-crush on that kid from trig class when you first heard Stripped? And I dare you to listen to Somebody without feeling wistful and longing for that box of mix tapes in the attic.

Ani DiFranco, grad school guidance counselor and mother goddess of it all- Oh, the one-two punch of 32 Flavors and Untouchable Face will have you hunting happily for your Keep Your Laws Off My Body bumper sticker, clove cigarettes and Monique Wittig texts. OK, maybe that's just me, but it's all good.

What "classic" CDs are you rockin' these days? What have I left out that I must hear this week?


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Reader Comments (2)

I've been itching to pull out my Toad the Wet Sprocket and The Sundays from that early 90's time. I loved the early 90's for angst pop.

And I lurve me some Tori Amos.
January 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercanape
Never forget the power of Culture Club...
January 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdaruma

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