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We interrupt this weekend for the funniest freaking thing you have ever seen

No, really.

Funnier than the time your college roommate fell off her supposed award-winning keg stand. More hilarious than that outfit you insisted was the bomb (I shudder just to say that) to the cluuuuubs the year you graduated from college. And yes, this bit of brilliance will have you pulling out your Black Sheep tapes and throwing your hands up in the name of Bonita Applebaum. Awwww yeah.

Probably the best part of this hilarity is that my grrrl Leotard Kelly flipped it my way and was all, "Ummm, yeah, you've probably already seen this, right?" She was all casual-like about it, as if she wasn't rolling on the rubberized gym floor over that It's Like This/It's Like That Pie Chart.

Now aren't you curious? Don't you want to click over? Don't you? You haven't yet? Maybe this will persuade you:

Oh. Mah. Gaw. I'm still laughing so hard, I can barely eat my M&Ms and a rice crackers, guzzle my glass of wine that's been living in an open bottle for three weeks and watch Friday Night Lights On Demand like I should be on a typical launch into the weekend. And that's such serious shiz yo, I am ordering this for myself. Or maybe this. I mean, as soon as I pull myself off the floor and push play on Friday Night Lights again.

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Reader Comments (2)

Thanks for the laugh links. I tagged you for a "serious" question last week... and on a lighter side... I have a contest too.
February 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersusiej
ok i nearly pissed i'm full of too much superbowl celebration. i printed it off for my son who is all up in that gangster shit.
February 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterzoe

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