It's always fun to get all linked and loved up
Thursday, May 22, 2008
It is just the loveliest little thing when you write something and someone other than your one friend and your downstairs neighbor and grandma read it (hey, you three!). And what a sweet little bloggy gift to get some link love out there on the internets, especially when the writer's my grrrl Redsy and the site's the snarkelicious Strollerderby and the post is all about competition, gender and kids. Thanks, doll. That is quite nice.
Because it is good for link love to breed and multiply, here are a few of my favorite posts of the week. Now go, you three and get all cozy with them!
Oh my God. Banana ice cream. BANANA! ICE CREAM!
And inappropriate crushes on cute boys!
Reader Comments (5)
Having an abundance of boys myself I worry a lot about boys in school. Do boys and girls learn differently? There are folks that think boys need boys-only schools. I can't afford one and don't think there's one anywhere near me either. Would girls have always done better in school if we hadn't been holding them back for the last 200 years in this country? Or have we geared education toward them more now and thus boys are now getting left behind instead? In an effort to balance things did we swing the pendulum too far?
As women become more prevalent in the workforce, does that take something away from men? My wife and I were just talking about doctors the other day. Most doctors are men, by a long shot. But women are catching up pretty fast. By the time our little preschoolers are having kids of their own, I think well over half of the doctors educated in the US will be women. We're graduating more women than men from college and med-school anyway, so I think that's why they predict there will be more women doctors by a certain year (can't remember the year, probably sooner than 20 years from now?).
It represents a big shift in society. From when we were kids and women mostly stayed home and most middle class families were one-income families... a generation later and a lot of middle class families are middle-class only because both spouses work. I don't really like where that's headed... will our kids have to put their kids to work in order to stay middle class? How many incomes will it take?
I believe in equal rights. I have two sisters and I don't want any jackass telling my sisters or my wife what they can and can't do. I don't like that women can't do some things because of artificial boundaries set up by society (ok, mostly by men)... but I don't like that they have to work and can't choose to stay home with kids either. Or that couples can't choose to have the husband stay home based on who makes more money or is more into their career or whatever.
Sorry this is so long... probably should get my own blog instead of making 3 mile long comments. :)