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Postcards from Richmond


On the grounds of some plantation turned family-friendly visitors center. Curious that a plantation would one day include a Petting Zoo for All (as some sort of handshake to interspecial diversity?) and a Japanese Garden (oh yeah, for we people to embrace each other one miniature maple at a time). Slowly, slowly, slowly, I am learning that, when in the South, it is best to just enjoy the BBQ and ignore as many confederacy-rooted confusions as possible.


Why, in vacation pictures, does it always look like the kid is seconds away from falling from the mama's arms to traumatic? Really, it's all a digital illusion, as is are the tired eyes and unattended hair.



Showing off tram stamps, not to be confused with the horridly-coined tramp stamps, which I am going to try very, very hard to protect my boy (not to mention my dad and brother) from for at least twelve years. One more confusing thing to ponder only for a brief moment: The tram stamp at the plantation-visitors center with the petting zoo and Japanese Garden is (of course) a rocket (duh).


I'm not sure what the kid is triumphant over here, but he certainly is triumphant. And you know what? When you're three-going-on-four and have successfully reached out a handful of dry grains in the name of peace to some over-eager goats in the South, triumph is good.

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Reader Comments (3)

Oh, come on, it's not so bad here. The South is just...the South. There were plantations. But there were also cultural influences from Japan (and many other places), and there were animals! We don't get enough credit in South. And that plantation you visited is great, check out the carriage master. He's a rock star, a historian, and a great friend. Love your blog, and I want to hear more about this town I love living and raising my kids in from your perspective.
August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDemMom
Maymont :]a classic place to visit. i remember going as a kid; running through the bamboo forest, hopping across the stones in the lake, & wanting REALLY BADLY to put my brother inside the black bear fence. ahh childhood in richmond. enjoy your stay!
August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmber
He's SO cute. LOVE Virginia. My sister lives in Charlottesville.
August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMs. Single Mama

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