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Lil E explains: The giant, bulbous circle of life

First, there is the Mommy Pumpkin. She is smooth and orange and tall.


There is a Daddy Pumpkin, too. He is white, sort of smaller.


The Mommy Pumpkin was pregnant and then...LA! LA!...she had some babies. They were sooooooo cute. Aren't they the cutest little pumpkin babies? [Pictured here with and looking a lot like Daddy Pumpkin, an injustice to be explored in gourd therapy for years to come.]


OH! They also had other children. They were sort of bigger. And one was rotten. Remember, I just stuck my finger in it accidentally and had to wash my hands? It was disgusting. And it was stinky. It smelled so gross! So we put it on the porch for the squirrels to eat. The squirrels are going to eat the children...HAHAHAHA! [This shall be explored in real person therapy that will likely be funded by me.]


These are other pumpkin babies. I don't know where they go. They live on those acorns and pine cones. They are funny. I like the bumpy one best.


This is the whooooooooole pumpkin family. Mommy, Daddy, children, and babies. Everybody's together on Halloween. Aren't they a sweet family?

OK, let's carve them!


« Carved | Main | In case you need directions »

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