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I still believe that when it's real, you can see it

Confetti  Last night, I did something I don't do much anymore. I stayed up late watching Ellen DeGeneres on "Oprah." She was funny and engaging in that not-raunchy way Ellen is so good at being.

And then her wife Portia deRossi came out. They talked about meeting each other, confessing their feelings for each other, falling in love, getting married. Grateful. As the clips of their wedding day played and the camera panned across the two of them watching themselves on screen during those intimate, sacred moments, I had tears of my own.

I'm convinced they are the real deal. Oh, how I hope they are the real deal. It made me realize how rarely we see that on television and in the goss rags, when we turn all this stuff on. Yet, I think we want to see it. We want to believe it is there. So we are disappointed when people we think we know, we think seem like great couples falter or even fall apart.

Maybe I am blindingly seeking that in the faces of this couple. But I don't think so. I think that it is there, the thing you are overwhelmed by at some weddings and startled is absent at others.

One day, I'm going to feel my heart explode with all that goobiness again. Yesterday, it was a blessing to catch a piece of that confetti floating down from these two.

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Reader Comments (3)

I stayed up late watching the same show, and I haven't done that in the longest time! Yes, I agree...on all points. Wishing you the deep joy and commitment your heart longs for.
November 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa
I just finished watching clips from the show, and thinking how much I *like* them, because they're, you know, normal. Just two people who really love each other. I'm so glad they're willing to share that private emotion with the whole world. We call can use the example, gay or straight!
November 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercat/bad kitty
OMG - I thought that too last night. I know you will find it someday!
November 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa

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