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Postcards from the past: Three Novembers ago

Of the thousands and thousands of photos of this child living on my hard drive, this may be my favorite. He wore that newsboy cap without flinching and the hint of the smile was already well-practiced. I hadn't yet worked up the courage to take for his first real haircut and instead snipped little bits while he played in the tub or sat wrapped in a blanket on my lap. And there it is, peeking out, reminding me it is time to let the wispy baby hair go.

Or maybe it is telling me to hold on, one last moment. To the cheeks and round belly and willingness to be held for hours. That's all gone now -- and for good things like attempts at winking and a toothy smile and long legs stretched out and running. But I've still got a lot of that baby held tight in my heart, like we all do. And tucked into the corner of the lid of my jewelry box and inside the front cover of my favorite books,  I am also keeping close some of these little, precious moments.


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Reader Comments (2)

Oh my gosh! Love that picture :) But it makes me realize how long ago I've seen him!! We'll have to remedy that this Christmas!
November 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJen McG
That is the most adorable picture ever. These babies grow up too fast!

~ humps
November 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterhumpsNbump

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