3 little things I'm thinking about so therefore, should automatically be important to you

It's been a while since I've binge blogged. Maybe that's because I've been out at some swank new places (well, new to me) that make me feel like I am 22 or never went into the motherhood underground or like getting up to work and write and make soy butter and jelly sandwiches the next day is not on the agenda. It's not that I'm neglecting my career or my life or my child (he's always away with his dad when I venture out). It's just that I'm neglecting my blog.
The good thing is, I've hired some very talented people to keep this grrrl operation running smoothly and so I can occasionally read something or do something or think something without feeling compelled to memorize it after a martini or two until I can type it on to my screen.
Oh, who am I kidding? I put up some shoe porn and F-bombs and you all start drooling and don't even notice I haven't been around in days.
Regardless, I'm here now. And even though I may have had a martini or two in the time since I last blogged, I do actually remember all those bloggable things that swam over and over and over in my head, around the Tanqueray and stuffed olives.
Here are 3 things that will get this baby cranking again:
1. Whoah. How much has your post-divorce life cost you? The first sentence in this article floored me. My attorney wasn't exactly pro-bono and I certainly have invested a lot in de-manning my new home (that is, making it pretty, smell like lavendar and corduroy couch- and energy drink stain-free). But, whoah. If I had that kind of "new life" reserve, I could tear it up in the Target home department.
2. Oh no. I hate to read this kind of stuff. And still, I think it is critical we are reminded that wearing a helmet does not ensure that you will escape a head injury or even death. My close thoughts are with the fans, friends and family of this young man. No one wants a biker - motocross professional or motorcycle enthusiast, thrill-seeker or safety kid - to die this way. Most of you know well how and why I feel this way, and my heart always aches for the loved ones of men on bikes.
3. Umm, this is sort of awesome. I mean, I hate how challenging it is to compile a list of curvy, hottie women in Hollywood (I know plenty and they are fierce, kittens). But I love the giant "fuck you" this is to Maxim and all the other misogyzines boyfriends are hording in bathrooms across America.
Now, you. What's on your minds since I've been away?
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