Ease up on the analysis, people, they're just kiddie drawings

I choose to believe that the Y that looks strangely like a pitchfork is just Lil E's artistic expression. In fact, he told me, "It's because I like fancy, MOMMY!" and so we're going to go with that.
I also choose to believe that these "bad guy aliens with pirate swords" are just that, and not some mirror of the Yelly Mommy face I may or may not get at 8:27 every morning when WE REALLY NEED TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE THIS MINUTE SO HIKE UP THOSE DIEGO PANTIES, GRAB YOUR STUFFED PENGUIN AND GET THAT TINY TUSH IN GEAR!
I also choose to believe those are LEGS on the lady alien pirate with the sword and one bug-eye.
And finally, in this picture he actually said was me with a baby that I do look a bit saintly, save the single furled eyebrow and round belly thing over the tweezer leg. The baby looks happy, though, right?
Reader Comments (6)
But they are cool, and very creative, drawings from Lil E
And I'm happy to know I'm not the only one with Diego panties.
I often say "tush" in the morning, too....