Yes, I was in Vegas. No, I wasn't blogging.

I meant to. No, really. Seriously. Stop laughing. I honestly intended to pay the twenty bucks a day to keep you updated on all my hijinks in the first real vacation I've had on this side of single living and only the second I've had since *cough*fiveyears*cough*. But then I went to Vegas and inhaled all that second-hand smoke and got all relaxed by $8 bottles of beer and all overstimulated on the ding of slot machines and the lovely shh-shh of vinyl rubbing 22-year old ass just barely contained by said vinyl, and then...well, clearly it was ovahhh.
Not ovahhh as much as a fun and funny and sparkly and spendy long weekend with one of my best grrrls, Mack, for the wedding of one of my favorite guys (and by guys, I mean boyyyz, which is what I hear all the vinyl-assed kids in Vegas are saying these days).
We hit a show, had a great dinner, got some sun, and did more walking than one should on vacation.
I am sure this will lead you to ask: What is the appropriate number of pairs of shoes a respectable shoe whore should take to Vegas?
The answer's after the jump. More hijinks to follow. As soon as I find the pics of Mack in her brand new vinyl skirt.
The formula goes something like this:
3-ish days in Vegas x 1 wedding + the day-and-a-half hike to Walgreens = 6 pairs of shoes + the pair of flats I had on (I KNOW! so responsible!) + the flip-flops I bought to stash in my clutch when we went out dancing + the other pair of "safe" black 4-incher pumps
In this case:
n = 1 pair with 3 inserts to make them fit but - damn, grrrl - they are totally hot $80 Jessica Simpson D'Orsay sequin heels that I got for $20-something.
The quickie version goes something like this:
However many you can scoop up from the bottom of your closet and shove in your bag.
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