Because I'm about 12% sure you still care

And because I am working like a madwoman to catch up on work, personal business and time with my boy, here are some photos from Las Vegas that tell a little bit more (but not all, you know how it goes) of the story and that I imagine you've been dying to see. Admit it, your mind went right there as soon as poor Adam's standing O American Idol performance was cut short on your TiVO. Tears for Fears, y'all! Maybe even better than Tears for Fears. So how about this? You push play on YouTube while you peruse my pics. Trust me, it works.
We played skeeball and got these snazzy rings with the tickets we won. As if just playing a few rounds of skeeball wasn't reward enough, we actually got bling for hurling balls. Life in Vegas is good, y'all.
More pics and rambling commentary after the jump.
We walked the Strip. Or at least part of it. And whatever part of it that it was we walked, it was enough. There's no way to get as adequately overstimulated by people with fanny packs and giant, plastic electric guitar booze cups strapped around their neck as walking down to the Forum Shops.
We put on our whore heels and took silly pictures of each other. My hair's all kinked up because I was paranoid some yeehaw from Kansas in town for the CMA awards was going to make his way to the elevator and sit down next to me with his wife Maureen. And you just know Maureen would be all judgy about my shoes. Incidentally, my friend Mack and I have about 4,000 of these kinds of pictures from college. I know, it's not a shock. This one's different, though, because there's not a drop of alcohol in my bloodstream. Yet.
We met up with the bride and groom and many of their friends and family members to have some cocktails and share some old stories. The groom, WJ, was one of my best friends in college and is still someone I hold very dear (clearly, by viewing the picture above). You can tell by looking at his face, he's got one of the best giggles ever heard over the ding of the slot machines. Later, the bride and I did the same pose, hands all over Mack. We like her.
We ate some great sushi at a fancy little sushi place. It's a good thing dark restaurants love when you use double flash to take photos.
Check out the walls. They were so pretty, which my sucky flash did not faily capture.
We went to our good friend WJ's wedding. Then we went out back and had cocktail hour by the coolers in the parking lot while we waited patiently to be shuttled over to the reception. It was good fun.
No one had a bottle opener, so this sweet young man, the bride's brother, kindly opened our beer by hi-yah-ing it over the dumpster. Not to worry, he wiped the bottle with his tie once the top flew off. That's Vegas class for you.
I took pictures of shoes. I know from an inside source that by the end of the night, the ankle strap broke off of the first pair, the second pair came off and the third pair was covered in beer, gum and God only knows what sticky else. Such a shame. Such a crazy, bootie-shaking shame.
The reception was a blast and made this the first time I've ever played a drinking game at a wedding. I snapped this shot when the bride had to set down what she was holding to offer her garter up to the groom. It's the epitome of the evening, which went on to include lots of dancing on platforms into the early hours of the morning. It was fun. The couple is happy I'm still exhausted.
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