The kid left and the germs settled right in.

My week alone, or at least relatively alone while Lil E went across the country for a vacation with his dad, was full of so many good intentions.
Of course, there was the to-do list that included doing all those things like throwing out gazillions of craplastic thingies accumulated in size 3T pockets and brightly colored bins and under the couch cushions...oh, and also the mama-equivalent that lives in my make-up and kitchen drawers.
There was also the good intention of having dinners with friends I haven't seen in way too long, and all this blogging I was going to do.
Then, like the inevitability of getting sick the day after finals is over, I sent my boy off and I got sick. I caught some kind of pandemic that has knocked me and my big list of good intentions the eff out.
Before I did get all feverish, I did get to see an all-grrrl tribute band called Lez Zeppelin (must love) that also gave me a bit of a shoe rush (helllloooohhh, lead singer with the white leather knee-high boots). It was so fun to spend a few pre-hacking cough hours at this phenomenal show.
I'm off to the doctor tomorrow after a stern warning from one of my grrls (who doesn't have white leather knee-high boots but totally could rock them) and then I am going to climb right back in bed with my Kleenex, sinus spray, cough medicine, neti pot, Riiiiiiicohhhhhhhla drops, and ibuprofen. Then, I am sure the nastiness will clear enough for me to write more. And not about my germedness, I swear.
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