Liveblogging the Gabby Awards: Moving on to the after-party

I'll be honest, no swag bag in the world is going to convince me to see My Life In Ruins. But Nia Vardalos, in her swingy mint dress ans with her quippy presenter comments, was engaging and funny and reminded me of many of my own grrrls.
But there' s no time to ponder cinema. We're already on to the after-party with dinner (at last) and drinks (ahhh) and lots of people-watching.
Bloghers, you will be ecstatic to know the after-events are at the same hotel we will be oggling each other geekside in just over a month. This event, though, has been styled like an HGTV wedding that makes you want to go through your own ceremony all over again.
The chandeliers have been draped in transluscent gold hoops and there are flute vases of palms framing each table. Insignia-ed lamps outline a VIP area where white couches and fuschia centerpieces create a sexy lounge on the dance floor.
Considering most everyone is a Greek American, it is an incredibly diverse crowd. Don't you love that? So Chicago...
I'm having a blast and have (almost) forgotten not to breathe on everyone around me.
P.S. One more lovely gentleman friend's video caused both tears and cheers and so, in the loveliest thank you, they played it again at the end of the awards show.
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