Postcards from Portland: The first bit

It was time for me to go back to Oregon. I missed it terribly, needed to see two of my best grrrlfriends who live there, wanted to use the time Lil E and I had to travel in some simple and sweet way. So I booked our tickets and we headed to the Pacific Northwest for my first time in almost three years.
I went to graduate school in Oregon, and it was there that I met The Ex. When I was ready to move, he chose to join me, and we U-Hauled toward my hometown. That was ten years ago. Before our divorce, we returned to Portland several times a year, spending most of our time with his family and trying to make room in the schedule for friends, side trips, reminiscing little dinners at favorite restaurants. That seems like was a lifetime ago.
This trip, I decided, I would see Oregon on my terms, in my own way. Lil E didn't argue. He was just happy to have a backpack full of tiny toys and puzzle books for the airplane ride.
The ride is long and boring but when the plane dips down toward the mountains, the hours of unfiltered air and (someone else's) screaming babies are worth it. Once in our rental car, driving and up- and downhill into Portland, my heart opened up in my chest and tears welled in my eyes.
I felt like part of me -- a part that has been quietly tucked away for too long -- was home.
Ladies, black shirts, boobs. It's how it's always been with us. You can't mess with a 14-year formula like that.
We began our week with my friend, Lulu (no introduction needed; I'm sure you already love her from this and this). Lulu's has a thriving pet business, taking dogs on adventure hikes and jaunts to the park, and hosting animals at her house most days. Lulu and Lil E immediately hit it off, not only enamored with each other but with each dog she introduced us to. Lil E became her apprentice, racing off to get treats for the pups from her doggie cookie jar, petting them, whispering to them, and coaxing them into chasing a ball or Frisbee or him through the yard.
Boy, dog, both smiling.
on through to continue reading, lovelies. Or at least make it through
these pics. And not just because it took me four years to upload them.
Because I am pleading because they took four years to upload.]
Boy, dogs, wearing them all out.
Learning the ropes. (And let's face it, the fact that this dog doesn't actually have a leash fashioned from a hemp rope in Portland is a minor miracle.)
We had a hard time de-wonkifying from the time difference, but eventually Lil E's little body gave in to sleep. I stayed up late with Lulu, and we talked intensely, laughed hard, drank Lambrusco and said over and over how happy we were to be sitting in the same room.
In between pet visits, we took the train that runs around the zoo, shopped at my favorite little boutiques on Hawthorne Street, and found parks for Lil E to play in.
The best thing we did was wander through the amazing Portland Japanese Garden, nestled in Washington Park. Even when it was raining, we all were hushed and washed over by the serenity of the Koi ponds, delicate oaks, sweeping landscapes and statues.
Lil E agreed.
"I actually loved the Japanese Garden, the most," he said. "Wellll, except for the part when my foot slipped and I halfway fell in the pond and hurt my booty!"
The stunning view of Portland from the entrance of the garden.
He asked if we could take a moment to meditate. He said it was the perfect place. My work here is done.
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