Overheard at his first sleepover

I'm feeling a bit triumphant right now. Lil E's first sleepover with one of his favorite buddies, Lil F, went strangely, spookily well. There was playing, pizza, and the partially viewed "Hotel for Dogs." By 9 p.m., both boys were sound asleep. Lil E was stretched out on his bed, one leg propped up on the other like he was taking a siesta in an office chair, and his friend was sprawled out and snoring on a small air mattress wedged into the play space on my son's toy-crowded floor.
They -- and I am fully aware that admitting this will thrust the wrath of the preschool gods upon me at the next sleepover -- slept soundly for eleven glorious hours, ate a bit of breakfast, and were sad to say goodbye. Aside from the incessant questions about when he reciprocate by spending the night at his friend's house, it was a complete success for Lil E.
Even if it would have been an all-night gutteral scream-fest, it would have all been worth it to hear the boys innocently, earnestly debating whether the word "doo-doo" (thanks, Jew-fro kid in "Hotel for Dogs") means "dude" or "poop" (still apparently up for debate between the two after much deliberation on each side).
It would have also been worth to hear a moment that could have stopped at this sign that Lil E is processing some really big stuff but went on to be a sign that these boys are in it together. They were pulling on tiny undies and comfy pants in Lil E's room when I overheard them from the next room.
Lil E: Hey, Lil F! My parents aren't married anymore. A judge said they aren't and so they are not married.
Lil F: Oh. I don't think my parents are married anymore either.
Lil E: Ummm, but your parents live together in the same house.
Thank goodness that was solved. Now back to counting our lucky little sleepover stars.
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