His sophomore year of preschool

Once upon a time, I thought it was an injustice that my son missed the school cut-off date by mere weeks. It made me sad that he'd have to wait a whole year to go to Kindergarten and would always be one of the oldest in the class. I worried he be bored, feel held back, get anxious.
But this year, as Lil E hopped (yes, on one foot, one of his greatest skills developed this summer) toward his familiar classroom, the same one he was in last year, I felt relieved. When we greeted his teacher at the door, the same teacher with a new married name, I was happy he was back.
Lil E is in exactly the right place. His school, his class and his teacher are the perfect fit for him as he begins this second year of preschool. He is delighted to read words now, works so hard at writing numbers, and has questions about everything from how to count cash to how you say animal names in Spanish to what blood clots are. He is curious, he is happy, he loves school.
I got a little choked up to see him with the backpack that is nearly bigger than he is, bounding toward the room he knows so well. Next year, he'll go from pre-K to The Big K. I can't believe he is this age. I can't believe it has gone so fast. I can't believe I am so happy he is in the place where he is (and that we are where we are).
See that smile? That's the smile of a kid who has nine months ahead of him to master tying shoes and telling time and requesting that the more aggressive kids back off. That's the face of a child who has the gift of another year to be really ready for the big show one floor up from his preschool class.
For now, I will gladly take this reprieve and kiss this grinning kid goodbye for a few hours of circle time, small groups, snacks, naps, and lots of running around the playground.
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