Creative? Yes. A teense bit OCD? Also yes

He could not come out of his room -- a self-imposed imprisonment of the pillow kind -- until he'd made his bed perfectly. And perfectly to Lil E means gathering up the 47 throw pillows (please do not ask why my preschooler has more throw pillows than Nate Berkus, for God's sake) and stacking them juuuuust right until they formed a tower of synthetic stuffing and Star Wars and golf-themed fabric.
It was astounding. At least in his eyes. And when it was finished he could rest easy, half nakey and in no particular hurry whatsoever to get to school, basking in the glow of his particularly-placed wall of comfy creativity.
The need to stack, I understand. The desire to take a room and give it your own design stamp, I relate to completely. But the persnicketiness of how that pillow tower was engineered, I have no clue where that drive originated. I'm 99% he's my child, but still, sometimes I wonder where in the world he came from.
Reader Comments (3)
People need to say persnicketiness more.