Lil E explains: His resolution

He woke up on New Year's Day and crawled into bed next to me. He started doing this over winter vacation, reverting back to a way-back-when routine of our early days in this home, mornings when we didn't have to arrive at school at a precise time, mornings when I cherished waking up to the snoozy snuggles of a 3-year old. But now he's six and it's 2011 and that first morning of the year, I held on tight as he rubbed his eyes and told me his intent for the months ahead.
He said it like that. In caps. Pretty bold. Assured. Like he'd been thinking of it for weeks while building some 890-piece Lego command center that I gave him with absolutely no intent to follow those directions myself. As if he pondered it over plastic bricks and beheaded Star Wars guys, some perfectly devised resolution for a kindergartener with bins overflowing with toys and pretty well-set schedule of activities and visitation and playdates and "iCarly."
"Yeah, that's it," he confirmed aloud. "To be crazier. Uh-huh."
"You've given this a lot of thought," I noted.
He nodded, brushed wayward bangs from my forehead.
"In fact, the way you say that makes me wonder," I said from across the pillow, "if your intent to be crazier means that you have not been crazy enough in the past year."
"Yeah," he said thoughtfully. "That's what I think."
"Well then, how will you be crazier exactly?"
Before I was done asking, he showed me that being crazier -- at least to a six-year old -- entails really amping up the sound effects. So there's that.
After taking a few days to really nail how this whole thing's going to go down, Lil E had this to report on this, which very well could be the resolution of a lifetime.
"Being crazier just means...welllll, jumping around. CRAZY dancing. Making goofy noises.
JUST BEING STRANGE. Being weird a lot more. Shake my booty. You know, like you like to do.
Also? You know how Abby dresses kind of crazy? Doing that but like, 1000% more! Or even 300% more. REALLY CRAZY! Like wear a wig to school! YEAH! Or a clown nose. That would be SO. AWESOME.
Pick my nose a lot. Scratch my tushy.
Tell potty jokes probably. Be really annoying to mommy. Jump on Daddy's tummy and poke him."
I stopped him there.
"Waiiiiit a second. Being crazier involved annoying your mommy but poking your daddy? That seems wrong."
"OK! OK! Annoying my mommy AND my daddy."
"Better," I said. "Much better. Continue on."
"Singing kind of loud. Swallowing air and then making burp sounds. That's crazy, right?
Yeah, I think that's crazy. Can I say p-o-o-p at the dinner table? How about t-o-o-t? Because I could make those sounds too! Like this, like with my mouth. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Crazy.
Is there anything else I shoud do to be crazy?"
I suggested be naked more often, or at the least commando. But honestly, I think this kid needs another couple of years before he really jumps into those wholeheartedly.
Until then, I think this list pretty much covers it. And his tiny little naked tushy.
It looks like it's going to be good to be six and crazy in 2011. If those first few hours of the year and these last few days are a good indication of his commitment, and I am quite sure they are, he's really going to see this project through.
Reader Comments (2)
And, abenk is right. It's a nice blog...i like are the awesome.