There are no Zen masters, only Zen plastic

Many emails from the Not Boyfriend are tagged with a saying that also is taped to his refigerator (right next to the calendar from August 2009). I've read it a thousand times. I have a feeling he'd say it is my journey to hear it a thousand more.
There are no Zen masters, there is only Zen.
But what the Not Boyfriend, with his shaved-head practice and divinely timed inbox and icebox reminders may not have known is that Zen is carefully built piece by interlocking piece, placed upon a glassy surface to rest delicately and float staunchly. Then smeared like a mofo with some kind of invisible shield of crazy glue.
At least this incarnation of the Lego lotus of enlightenment is. And in our house, when all else fails, we let go and Lego.
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