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Forever Young: best 40th birthday cocktail ever



Oh, who cares that it's Monday and I'm posting a drink recipe?! Take a few ibuprofen and keep reading, friends.

When I put the call out to The Facebook for suggestions of pink cocktails with gin that could be dispensed from something classier than a scrubbed out garbage can but didn't have to be shaken in 6-ounce pours every four minutes, I knew there was someone who would take the challenge seriously. Of course, it was Ilina of Diry & Noise. 

Ilina posts drink recips every Friday that make me suck down my afternoon coffee with a fervor that would probably give anyone standing near my desk the idea that I am perhaps maybe probably pretending there is more than cream in that cup. She and I, we should be neighbors. But we're not and I don't ever open the liquor that waits patiently in my freezer with frostbitten caps, hoping some impromptu party will happen. So instead, I read and guzzle coffee and Ilina leads a glamorous life of cocktail recipe experimentation and happy  hour envy. 

The good part is that when the party did happen, Ilina was still there for me. She threw out ideas and recipes and it was this one that caught my eye. She calls it the Writer's Block. I liked the gin and lime part and was intrigued by the St. Germain. When a few other friends recommended St. Germain, I knew I was on the right path to signature cocktailing of the pink and ginny -- and St. Germainy -- kind.

Here's what we mixed up in big batche -- simple, delicious and so pretty. I raise my glass -- not now but once or thrice at my party -- to Ilina and all the others who made this not-coffee cocktail find its way to my celebration.

Forever Young

1 part gin (ohhh, how Hendricks delights, and we chose Bombay Sapphire this time)

1 part St. Germain (smell the elderflower, so fragrant)

4 parts sparkling pom juice (it adds a lot of richness and is so delicous, we upped the proportion from three parts to four)

A bit of seltzer (it was that or call a long line of cabs to wait outside my apartment)


Some chose to top it off with prosecco (lovely), all had lime garnish.

I added frozen raspberries and pomegranate seeds to the dispenser. They were pretty but clogged up the spout and then made sipping a little less than ladylike. Still, they made the blood-red (not so pink after all) drink look summery and delicate.


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Reader Comments (5)

Okay, when I got to the Prosecco bit I smiled. YES.
April 17, 2012 | Unregistered Commentersweetney
Oh, I love this! So happy to be a part of your celebration (though it would have been way more fun if we really were neighbors!). I'm definitely asking you to write the intro to my 5:00 Fridays if I get it picked up by an agent. Cheers! Next many outfit and shoe changes for the birthday girl?
April 17, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterilinap
This drink was delish. After your party, I went home and googled all the drinks I could make with St. Germain. I'm hooked!
April 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKris
St. Germain adds extra love to my champagne 90% of the time. Yum. I'm saving this recipe for my b-day! Happy 40th, Love.
April 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHillary
With my 40th just four days away, of course I ran right out and bought a bottle of St Germain! Normally that's challenging to find anywhere near my humble abode, but this is a cocktail clearly meant for me and the planets aligned properly. I can't wait to share some on Saturday!
July 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHeather K

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