Essential weekend reading (and listening)

I won't even pretend that this weekend is going to be cushy with time to sit around and ponder Rumi or even make it through one (as my grandmother used to say) gol-dang chapter of the book I loved for the first 243 pages and am really struggling through paragraph by paragraph just trying to make it to the last word. I imagine you relate. So why I don't I just tell you what I loved on our old friend the internets this week, so you won't have to have any of your own reading trials and tribulations? Good. Done.
A note on friendship - Whit Honea is not only a fabulous writer, he's a hilarious texter who will get you in all kinds of trouble during solemn Oprah-revering moments at blog conferences and can kill it in Drawsome with scribbled pictures of sharks devouring bloody stick figures. So why wouldn't he write one of the best blog posts of all time on children's friendship break-ups and apologies? It's wonderful.
Olympian, working mother, feminist hero -- Pat Summit is one of basketball's most legendary coaches. MamaPundit's Katie Granju writes that you don't have to be a fan of the game to idolize her, and I get that. I'm a non-sports fan who loves a great sports stor. Read every word of this as I did and you'll see, this incredible woman has one.
Not another mommy war -- I am so proud of my friend Joanne Bamberger. Not only is she whip-smart, CNN and a gazillion other people know it. Check out her assessment of this whole crazy business with Ann Romney, Hilary Rosen and every person in the world who loves to fluff up a nonexistant war between womenfolk.
Is it time for a financial tune-up? -- Duh, yes. Meagan Francis gets honest about money money money at The Happiest Mom and I was even inspired to wait on hold with the freaking insurance people for 32 minutes to get my own stuffs in order. Not lying.
A chord of sad -- In only a few days, Joy Unexpected's Yvonne will say goodbye to her military-enlisted son. I can't even imagine. Read this and make sure a flood of loving thoughts fill her living room while he's still playing his guitar in it and after they've said their farewells.
And now some music to fill up your own busy, over-scheduled, too-talkative spaces. I'm totally digging this band. Did you laugh out loud reading this bit in Jezebel about "Somebody That I Used to Know lyrics seeming to be like a really crappy email from a duder you once dated? This cover will make it all better. I promise. It's a lovely guitar-fingering orgy of goodness and light. Plus, I love that the stare-y guy looks so much like Trent Reznor and maybe that's Robin Williams on the end.
Then "Someone Like You" in a non-American Idol cover version. And that smokin' hot blond lady at the center is really making me give some thought to my hairdresser's plan to make me go totally blonde as her summer project. Too much to process? Just listen then.
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