Who I am as a mother: Not just PRITTY. Also, ASSOM

We joke about how pretty and young I am. It's something silly between Lil E and me. He's developed enough sarcasm in his seven+ years to know there's more to being a mother than hot pink lipstick and clicky heels. But he's lived with me long enough to know those things are a part of the mama-equation. At least for the mama he has.
We talk about things -- politics, autopsies, our governor going to prison for extortion, war, bullies in school, how body parts work, why some jokes are hilarious and others are hurtful, how to add change quickly and figure out the tip on bill. But I go in faith, as every parent before and beside me, that he will remember some bits and pieces of those conversations. I hope hard he won't come back to me in ten or twenty years after a super-session with his therapist and say, "Remember how important it was to you that you were pretty?", wiping out the silliness and smartypants conversations completely from his childhood memory.
And then there's this. Proof in the form of a Mother's Day card and book of poems that tell me, "Of course he gets it." And also, if he doesn't, I have the papers to prove otherwise.
There's "Mom, Mom, POW!", set to the tune of "Boom Boom Pow". There's a host of smiley faces and stars and hearts and thankfulnessand BUETY.
On this Mother's Day, I hear him saying he gets the lipstick part. But the rest is still there, too, calling him, comforting him, reminding him I am...ASSOM.
OK, we have work to do. But today, I am happy and full of all he's told me and shown me and that he's letting down his already-burgeoning tween pride to let me cover his dimpled cheeks in a few hot pink kisses.
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