Essential weekend reading: love and not-marriage edition
Friday, June 29, 2012
Click back the chaise lounge, let the lifeguard babysit your newly-freed-from-waterwings kids in the pool and check out my top reads of the week, all centered on the complexities, challenges and kookiness of being wed and not.
The exception is the post linked below at Woulda Shoulda Coulda, which I do believe all parents should read. The more of us read, the more of us will lift up the warmest thoughts to Mir and her family.
If you read only one thing, read this - Perhaps you've already read each word of Mir's raw post on her daughter's acute mental illness and how much she misses the days before with her girl. But if not, please do.
And now on to some love and mostly not-marriage links.
- Guess whose 5-year contract is up? - Katie Holmes files for divorce. Go, Katie, go. (No, really...GO.)
- One less reason to get married - Yes, it's Obamacare. Buh-bye, insurance weddings.
- Divorce, done the friendly way - Sweetney's new series "Through the Fire" features a couple who learned to be friends through splitting up. (I love that this happens. I in no way can imagine it happening. But I love that it sometimes works out.)
- Divorce, the everyday way - Maggie Mason wonders when being unmarried will feel normal.
- Oh, marriage - Monica Bielanko on exposing her husband to the most private bathroom lady-behaviors.
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