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The people you need on your side during divorce

MV5BMTYyOTg3MDM1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjYxMDMzMQ@@._V1._SY317_CR5,0,214,317_It was only weeks into my divorce when an IM popped up from a friend on my computer screen. I’d finally written as openly as I could on my blog about what was happening—why I’d moved into my parents’ house with my child, removed my husband’s name from Facebook, why I was no longer wearing a wedding ring. My friend’s words popped up on my screen.

“I’m not sure what happened,” she wrote. “But I want you to know I am on your ninja squad.”

Ninja squad? I hadn’t even realized I needed that. But I needed that. What I found was my circle of support was shifting quickly. People I believed were my rocks were questioning me, slipping away. Others surprised me by stepping in closer. Seeing the circle around me as ninjas—stealthy, smart, skilled, in sync—helped me to decide who I wanted to be at the ready when I was sparring or when I was silent.

Read the rest of this post on It includes sage advice from MochaMomma and Rachael Brownell and other friends who have made their way through divorce with kids. Even better? Lil E offered what I think is the best bit of wisdom within.


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Reader Comments (3)

You're lucky! You are not alone even though you have in a situation like this.
June 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBecca
love it. nice blgo. tks very much.
July 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAdidas Jeremy Scott
My name is ALISON from England, would want to tell you all that i was able to put an end to my divorce issue and restore my marriage again, because i never wanted it to happen. i don't know what came over my husband that he was filling for divorce, i tried to talk him out of it when he told me and he didn't listen to me, i had no other option than to seek for the help of a spell caster and now am glad i did. Because if not for the help of spell, i don't know what would have become of me by now because i loved my husband so much that i couldn't stand loosing him. The spell worked like magic with the way and manner my husband change and started showing love instead of the divorce he was planning. i just too happy that everything is in place for me now. I would gladly recommend the use of spell to any one going through marriage problems and want to put an end to it. [ was were i got the help to restore my marriage]
August 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAlison

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