We found the happy place

We've found a place for the Not Boyfriend to live. Right here, in our city.
Even better, it's only blocks away from Lil E's school. It meets the requirements - bright, full of light, a good kitchen and place for a dining room table that will fit many friends for Sunday evening dinners.
The Not Boyfriend has seen photos online, and more photos that I texted him as I toured it with the realtor in linen pants and fancy-man loafers. He trusted me when I said it was the place, and days and scanned applications and approvals later, it is his for the next year.
We'd looked at places together while he was in town a few weeks ago, but nothing was a fit. We'd scoured listings, comparing notes on Skype, but stayed protective and realistic. He might have to stay with us a while, put his things into storage, do the dance of quick-paced rentals once he meets the moving truck in the city after a cross-country move.
That's what we reasoned, but that's not what happened. And with the text confirming he's the new lessee, I exhaled.
He'll be here soon. And then, the Not Boyfriend will be minutes away. MINUTES AWAY. I was worried for a while, holding my breath that something might fall through, that it might not all work out as we'd like. But now, now I can just be excited to sit at that dining room table right next to him.
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