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Can I get that on a t-shirt?

In my family, we have a song we sing to kids that is not necessarily lovely, but is catchy and funny (and anyway, doesn't every family have one of these silly tunes?). It is easy to sub in the name of any shorty in your fam and the words will stick with you. We sing it to break tension, keep a wiggly boy from falling off the changing table or just elicit those precious toddler audience laughs that every parent vies for:

Lil E is an old stinkpot
Lil E is an old stinkpot
Lil E is an old stinkpot
I love my old stinkpot!

Sweet, huh?  The other night over one of those particularly goofy dinners that seem to happen frequently with a small child who can have a conversation that spans golf to robots to Baby Jesus all in a matter of seconds. In the midst of all of this, Bruce was trying to convince the boy to eat his sweet potatoes.

Bruce, with the all the overdone drama of an acting assignment on America's Next Top Model:  Mmmmm. Sweet potatoes. I love my sweet potatoes. Don't you love your sweet potatoes, Lil E?

Lil E, with a silly, smug smile: I love my robot.

Bruce, even louder: I love my sweet potatoes!

Me, raising my fork in the air: I love my sweet potatoes, too! Hey, Lil E! I love you! Are you my sweet potato?

Lil E, mustering all seriousness: No. I not a sweet potato. I a stinkpot.

And there you have it. I should probably mention that we have called this child Sweet Potato on numerous occasions (as well as Sweet Pea, Cupcake, Pudding, Little Morsel of Sweetness and Light...all the good names fitness-minded/somewhat chubbers/totally food enabling parents call their kiddos).  And I swear those occasions have far out-numbered the Stinkpot song singing.

Regardless, it is what it is and...what is it? At least one therapy session with the bonus of conversations that begin with, "Gaw, Mom. Why did you only ever call me Stinkpot as a kid? That is sooooo ruuuuuude. I'm totally running away."

When that happens, I am sure Bruce and I will do exactly what we did the other night. We will look at each other, laugh, shrug and say together, "OK, Stinkpot."


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Reader Comments (2)

So cute! Have you ever seen the children's book, "I Love You Stinky Face?" I bet he'd love it.
December 18, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterfoodmomiac
hhmmm much better that what we call josh aka irwin!
December 18, 2006 | Unregistered Commenter2Jmama

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