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Eat Pray Love. Again. And again. And again.

Oprah's caught on to the sensation that is Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love. I will be watching intently since I feel an overwhelming sense that I need to -- and will -- meet the author. Although several of my friends are in the audience (by coincidence? perhaps not), I will be watching from home (not jealous, just waiting for my turn).

The insightful and analytical Danielle suggested I read it and later when we talked about, she told me it changed her. I agreed. I've recommended it many times and I know I will read it again.

My yoga teacher did not know what it was about but took it with her when she went to a yoga retreat in Colorado. My cousin read it while traveling in India. I am still waiting for another friend to read it while she waits for the right time. It will come. I am sure of it. It is how this book works.

I think it is because it is one of those works of the soul. Like Carol King's You've Got a Friend, of which she said the words came from God and flowed through her to the page. And wasn't it Michelangelo who said he didn't create sculptures, he simply freed them from the stone? There is that depth and humor and reality and electricity about Eat Pray Love. Read it (when the time is right), you will see.

To read my original review, click here. If you have an Eat Pray Love story to share, do. And if another book has spoken to you in just the right way at just the right moment, do tell that as well. If you were at the Oprah taping and actually saw Elizabeth Gilbert up close and on stage, for God's sake, call me! Spill! And ask her if I can follow her around Italy like a little patient, happy purse dog!

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Reader Comments (2)

I didn't know this about Oprah, but it just so happens that I am just about a third of the way through the book (she just got to India) on the recommendation of a friend on one of my online lists...

There are parts of it so far that called so strongly to me that I thought I'd written them. But now that I'm in India and we're talking more hard-core spirituality, well...I don't know. We'll see.
October 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTC
This is one of my favorite books ever. Amen.
October 6, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjm

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