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Awwww yeah, Idol's back

I haven't been watching a lot of TV lately. Since I'm sharing it with my parents and their slight obsession with home improvement, home buying and home selling shows that come in two or three similar flavors with two or three slightly-varied names, that's mostly what I see. The writer's strike has helped ease the shakes of prime time withdrawal, as has not being able to record any shows to watch during ridiculously late hours.

But that's all about to change now that American Idol's back on. For the love of Daughtry, I just can't help myself. For the sweet sweet country crooning of Carrie Underwood, I can't tear myself away from even the awful auditions and embarrassing people all caked in glitter cream and unrealistic dreams of pop greatness.

While Lil E was wondering where Gina was in the line of people auditioning, I was worried about this disillusioned boy who got uncomfortable and uncontrollable laughter from Paula and Randy.

But the hopeful (and I clearly use that term loosely) that I can't stop thinking about is this guy. Was he kidding? I mean, is this guy too Borat to be real or what?

And did he really say that he wants to love a good woman from the hair down to their nipple? And that his current girlfriend says he is a "sexyface" and he's good with that? Maybe it was the intense rendition of that BeeGees song that made me wonder.

I'm just surprised producers didn't follow that up with a plea for this Yuka dude to wrestle nakey with some big hairy man they pulled out of line for some montage segment.

Ohhhhnonononono. And what I mean by that is, Oh yes. Oh hell yes. I'm not even missing awkward Izzie-George sex with this goodness going on. 

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Reader Comments (4)

OK, here's proof that I'm the worst mother EVER. Dylan started crying hysterically when they were laughing at that guy (the one you were worried about). And we made her keep watching.
January 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfoodmomiac
Ahhhh, consider it a character-builder!
Yes, he did say from the hair down to the nipple as he pointed to his toe. Ariel gave me an "are you kidding me?" look and said, "Uh, I think he's a little confused..." Watching Idol with kids makes it that much better, right?
January 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSarah
While I AM a big fan of body glitter, SO not an argument for too much of anything is just too much, I usually wait for month 2 of AI when it's narrowed down quite a bit. The weird and talentless in the beginning make me nervous and I end up feeling sorry for them. Clearly codependent of me.We love it though and take it personally every year when our favorite (always the most talented) never wins. I saw Taylor Hicks on Martha Stewart the other day for god's sake. Why did they ever think he could carry a tune?
January 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPam

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