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Things I've Seen at Starbucks: Dude, REFILLS!

Maybe I'm a little slow on the uptake these days, maybe I've been too busy contemplating whether I will have a giant steaming mug of Joy tea with eight packages of honey and a splash of milk or I'm going to really crank it out with a whatever-they-have-ready-to-go coffee to thunk into a hypodermic needle and mainline with a too much half-and-half.

I have been spending a lot of time in Starbucks lately, working, staring into space, seeing how many of my Gmail contacts have finally gotten their previously soooo 2007 selves on Facebook. That means, I purchase my fair share of overpriced coffee drinks. So how - HOW?! - did I not know there are cheapy refills?

Could it be because the 55-cent refill on any size (you read that right) regular coffee isn't posted anywhere? Not even in fine print where the kiddie-sized drinks are hidden?

Perhaps because the baristas who know my name and drink and bring me the little samples of pumpkin bread laced with little perfect dollops of whipped cream don't offer me in to those kinds of insider tips?

Maybe because I've been too busy feeling exotic and interesting for ordering four different kinds of coffee beverages rather than just asking if I could spend all the change buried in the crevices of my laptop bag rather on a 2-cent "bold and elegant" java du jour?

I suppose it doesn't matter (see? all that therapy really is helping me release the insignificant details!) and that the important thing is that I heard the gruff old grandaddy behind me in line order up a refill, saw him plunk down his 55 cents and smile smugly, knowingly while I added another paper cup to the collection on my table.

It doesn't matter because today I confirmed that I can, in fact, order up a refill as long as I stay in the store and bring back my paper cup. I even smiled gratefully as the sweet barista told me that there is a two-hour time limit but (shhh...) they never set a timer. Now, I'm ready.

With my steadily sipped down venti Komodo Dragon and my quarters neatly stacked beside me, I am ready for a little Starbucks usurping. Viva la refill revolution, my friends! Viva la venti!

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Reader Comments (2)

Oh honey, I knew about that - remember Starbuck-Obsessed Dave! He clued me in on that. Ah, the things you take away from a relationship!
January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaula
Thanks for the info. I had nooooo idea, and I'm so hooked I even carry a Starbucks Visa!

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