Tune in! Because listening to me go on and on about preschools and platform heels is MUCH BETTER

It's Wednesday and of course, your mind and mine are already fixed on the weekend. Hell, stop working now. Kick it in your jammies and let the kids pop open the Doritos and OJ and go to town.
When you finally get to the weekend, smear off a bit of that orange dust and join me on Single Minded Women's evening on Blog Talk Radio.
I am handing over the big bag of chips to Lil E for the next few days just so I can revel in the excitement that I get to join such amazing single parent bloggers on SMW Radio. I'm thrilled to dish with Ms. Single Mama, Jessica from OSoloMama, Matt Logelin and hosts Melissa Chapman and the saucy Rachelle Chase.
All the details you need are below. Feel free to email your questions right now or save up your stories, advice and sassiness to phone into the show on Monday.
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