I was a Fifties girl for three Halloweens in a row. And I was grateful.

So the boy wants to be Batman for Halloween.
This, I shake my head to tell you, is an upgrade. It's not that I'm that controlling (no...really...NO REALLY), but that I was hoping to bypass the licensed characters for another year or twelve.
I'll admit, I was sad he opted out of the police officer idea, then forgot about being a firefighter, quickly canned the pirate costume, before settling on the cringe-worthy green Power Ranger.
We went back and forth about the Power Ranger costume. As much as I wanted Lil E to be what he wants to be on Halloween, I also hoped he'd know who that character actually is. And this kid, I can assure you, has no idea who the Power Rangers are. He got Power Ranger stickers and a t-shirt for his birthday and super powers unseen, he was hooked.
Well, for a good, solid two weeks. Until he saw a commercial for Batman. And only interrupted briefly by an idea he swears he "made up in his very own head" to be Super P, a (and I am not even kidding here) "superhero with a really big penis who stops the bad guys by peeing on them."
Ummm. What?
My mom and dad and I tried quite unsuccessfully to stifle our laughter when he made that announcement over a corn bread and milk snack one night last week. As quickly as the idea (erm) popped into his head, he decided maybe it'd be better to suggest the costume to a new preschool buddy. And considering there are two ends to the old gene pool, that was probably a wise decision.
Although I know I could Matlock the hell out of a Super P costume just from the contents of the dress-up box, my own closet and huge plastic bins of God-only-knows-what living in our storage space, it's a good thing he moved on quickly to the 10-second inspired Batman get-up.
To me, the mother and click-to-purchaser, I am relieved he'll be wearing wings instead of...Good Lord, what do Power Rangers wear? Somehow, Batman can be rationalized as classic and cute on a four-year old. Power Rangers just reeks of spandex that's stretched out from the Eighties. Honestly, I would have bucked it up. I wouldn't have tried to DIY something for him that would later cost him loads of co-pays to work out in family therapy and I would have puchased the Power Rangers costume for him at Costco like a good mama. If he'd been committed, that is.
Thankfully, I'm buying Batman instead. It will be amped up a bit because I'm absolutely investing the extra few bucks for the molded abs for the boy. And to make it even better, he's asked me to please please please be "his sidekick Robin."
And really, how can I say no, after all of that? Especially when this soon-to-be stretched-out spandex is calling to me.
What? Not appropriate for the preschool parade? Maybe better just for the neighborhood door-to-door?
Reader Comments (3)
He's going as a bat from Old Navy, if I get around to it. Otherwise we'll do like last year and grab what's left and pray it fits! lol