Linkety Dinkety Doo: I haven't even gotten to Palin's shoes yet

Last week, during the Biden-Palin debate, I jokingly Twittered that I wished someone would please tell the Governor of Alaska to lay off the White Rain and Wet-n-Wild peach blush. I was kidding.
Sort of. But it is too easy to focus on Sarah Palin's appearance. While I'd like to do that in an ear-covering la la la, I can't hear what you're saying sort of way, I know it's not fair. It's not fair to focus on her make-up and up-do because what she is saying and what she stands for is so much scarier.
I want a woman in the White House, not just planning parties and hosting the holiday tours, but officially participating in the administration of this country (not unofficially as we all know many First Ladies have done). But I want a woman in office who is good for women. Sarah Palin isn't that woman.
This is only one of many, many reasons we're ardently, loudly, happily supporting Obama and Biden. In my fear of another eight years of Republican misogyny and in my attempts to downplay what is really on the line here -- reproductive justice, in particular -- I instead went right for the easy target.
Please, if you see me in Wal-Mart giving Sarah Palin a lecture on why should put back the Bonnie Bell tri-color eyeshadows already, just steer your cart past us. Instead, stop here, where much better stuff is being said on this election:
A Woman's Worth is written by author and blogger and single mother Goldie Taylor. I got this in an email forward from my mom's brigade of activist retired teachers and immediately went to the blog to read more. This post is worth reading and (yes, mom) definitely worth forwarding on.
The Repubs have mastered the art of co-opting feministing language for not-feminist agenda. Oh, and they've also gotten quite good at misquoting feminists as well. This one made me want to flood Sarah Palin's office with Starbucks cups printed with accurate quotes by activist women.
I want this t-shirt. Sometimes it just comes down to a simple tagline, right? A friend told me this week that she was going to download this on to postcards to pass out when election conversations inevitably turn into laments about how afraid we are. She said we need to keep the faith. And hey, I'll take almost any excuse to say, "Chill the fuck out, duder." (OK, I added duder...I can't resist that.)
This is also worth a laugh. And then some serious analysis on CNN or something. I mean, if you are lucid enough yet after Palin bingo.
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