In like a lion. Or possibly, one of those irritating, shedding cats who will not go away.

It's March now and with every day that passes in this year, I am increasingly convinced that spring will never, ever come. After some warm-up teases, miserable and gray rain, then a freeze followed by blowing snow and bitter wind, Lil E and I cursed the cold and canceled our plans to go to the park, take bike ride, do anything to get outside for a bit this weekend. That lasted one long Saturday.
We tried. We tried so hard to be entertained inside, and for the most part it worked. We did yoga, painted and ate a lot of snacks. By the time Sunday morning arrived, though, cabin fever had fully set in. And so we went back to the basics, creating a scavenger hunt of things we'd like to find on a walk -- meandering, running, whatever -- for a few blocks of breathing fresh air, expending energy and showing our true Chicagoan stuff.
My boy, in his down coat and aviator hat and Spiderman sunglasses, does bundled up Chicagoan like no other. Our walk lasted four frigid blocks and we ended up finding most of the items on our list inside our apartment once the coats were off and the boots were dripping snow by the door. That fifteen minutes breathed a little energy into the rest of our day, no matter how much I cursed the cold and doubted that snow would ever really melt.
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