Mama cranks up: Joan Armatrading...I mean, Carolina Liar

This morning on the way home from preschool drop-off and listening to the embarrassing morning show with the name I dare not mention lest I lose major cool points with all you kids reading, I heard a song that, at first, I swore was sung by a woman. A throaty, possibly androgynous woman, but a female vocalist nonetheless.
So, of course, thinking that, Joan Armatrading came to mind. Remember Joan Armatrading? If you ever took a Philosphical Tenets of the Gay and Lesbian Movement or Gender in Historical Fiction & Fashion Design class, I know you have. Seriously. Every feminist worth holding a Gloria Steinem card fucking LOVES Joan Armatrading.
This song, this acoustically and slightly amped up song that is juuuuuust this side of country/lite, reminded me of this Joan Armatrading CD I accidentally-on-purpose never returned to a fellow women studies student back in the grad school days when it was perfectly legit -- even RADICAL! -- to put the Dead, Jewel, Calobo, Bjork and Joan side by side in the old CD player. That CD is probably lodged in the middle of avery serious and highly academic text book chapter on how to Venn diagram inequitable gender-biased pay rates with release dates of from Britney Spears' discography. Thank the goddesses for YouTube, though, so you can listen and nod your head in agreement like a good little Indigo Girl.
First, these Carolina Liar chicks guys with long hair from Sweden (huh?...I read their blog and bios and can't tell if that is real or some kind of ha-ha band funny that's been overdone on a bus from Omaha to a suburb of Philly).
And now, the amazing, invincible, timelessly headbanded and frohawked Joan Armatrading for comparison.
And then, just because I've already gotten out my "Feminism is the
radical notion women are people too" t-shirt, here's another dose of
Am I right? Are these gals one and the same?
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