This clearly means Jon Stewart's going to start commenting here very, very soon

If this kickass item on a blogger who is marrying a commenter doesn't open the gates for a surge of eligible male readers to flood the welcoming little blank box at the bottom of every post on this blog...well, then it might just be time to pack it in, friends.
I kid. But this post, including the bit about how other readers are reacting to the good cyber lurving, raises some great points. The first one is that we are living in a time when and other sites are one of the most realistic and viable ways for people to meet. The second point is that once you start dating someone, it's pretty likely they are going to end up being a reader whether they knew your words before they met you in person or not. And finally, get over it. Blog purism is so ridic.
Just as one of your soulmates could be loading a 10-pound bag of epsom salt into a cart one aisle over from your hairspray hunt in Target, maybe your own good lurver just stumbled into your blog and felt compelled to contribute something clever or brilliant or adorably emoticonly. Who knows, right?
My question is: Are you willing to meet someone in the space of a blog -- your own or someone else's -- or is that too close to home, too far off in the interspaces, or just off-limits?
[via Jezebel]
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