Ohhh, this boy

I didn't share too many details of my birthday, in part because some semblance of intimacy is good (it's OK to laugh, especially since I've cyber-flashed you all so many times). And in part because I was so swept up in my time with my son that I just wanted to be in the moment. Now, as I look back on the photos from that day, I am more overwhelmed than I was even then.
This kid, with his winks and his determination about what kind of gift he would get me, is just so fully himself.
Those hours that we spent at the Real Pirates exhibit at the Field Museum were so fun. I knelt down in front of the displays and read the story of the sunken slave and pirate ship to him and he leaned into me, listening raptly to every single word. He played tour guide through the mummy and dinosaur exhibits, talking and talking and talking about characteristics of plant eaters versus meat eaters and asking questions about which sarcophagus held which corpse. It was, in all of its inquisitiveness, so fun.
But nothing beat lunch, sitting in our favorite spot so we could see Sue. We went back over each of the rooms and compared favorite parts. Then I pulled out my camera and caught these faces, looks that I see many times a day but speak so much more to me because they were taken on that day.
It's not all perfection and buttercream icing. But on this day, it was as good as it gets. It was as he is and as I am and as we are together. This is the quintessential Lil E at four.
(See the pics after the jump.)
Lil E always knows exactly what he wants to give me as a gift. This birthday, he had his heart (and mine....awww) set on this little silver "mom" angel pendant and chain. I wore it with a locket my mom gave me that holds beloved pictures of my grandmother and Lil E. He told me that I was a "real necklace grrrl" and someone else special got that as well, giving me an oceany blue lapis necklace that I'm also treasuring. I'm not just a happy for getting such sweet gifts, I am a lucky grrrl for having people in my life who know me so well and celebrate with me so fully.
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