Countdown to the divorce-abration!

Remember how I mentioned what a lucky grrrl I am? I have not even begun to explain the many blessings that are a part of my every day. Yes, I am including my parents.
God love them for turning the TV volume up to 47 and getting a little nervous about which space to pull into in a ginormous, empty parking lot, they have supported us through my divorce in many more ways than I could ever completely list. My dad went to every single court date and attorney meeting with me and has pulled out the DSM IV to really dig into our own psychological diagnoses. My mom has spent countless hours debating with me about what I should do with my wedding dress, whether I should respond to upsetting text messages, and how in the world I am going to channel a Heidi Klum-Seal vibe into my next marriage. They've lent me a car for a year. A year, friends. When it was all finally finally FINALLY final, we went out for ribs and champagne toasts. The waitress thought we were crazy. We felt giddy.
Now, we are taking our celebration up a notch. My parents are generously throwing me a divorce party this weekend, partly to help me gather together some of my favorite ladies to cheers to the new life and partly because I am finally bucking up and buying their damn car.
The party will be for ladies only, which caused my dad to only look up once over his crossword puzzle and say how disappointed he was not to get a mani-pedi at the nail bar my mom booked (cue the goatee-framed smirk). The idea was all my mom's and it will have her stamp on it -- pretty, patterned paper plates and a guest list of very sassy women.
We will be getting our nails done, sipping more champagne and delighting in my divorce. I have no idea where the night will lead, but I know it's going to be fabulous. And I will definitely be wearing my wedding tiara, feed myself (cup)cakes (none of that frosting smearing bullshit this time around either), and have a raucous little reception with my grrrls.
Who knows? It might even inspire me to crack open the never-been-used china and crystal and have a divorce dinner party next.
Chime in: Any ideas for the divorce-abration?
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