Oh, the thrill of it all: This season's first t-ball game

After coaching last year (shush it), I am very excited to spend a few hours on the field each week just cheering my boy on while he bats, runs toward the big pile of preschoolers trying to retrieve the ball, and dances on second base.
He's got a good cheering section, this kid. My parents live across the street from the field, so we go together to practices and games. His dad is there, too, and there are two other fathers coaching who are so kind and encouraging and calm with every child on the team.
Just watching the sheer thrill pass over his face as he slides across the grass or slams the ball off the tee as hard as he can, delights me as well. That joy, I know that joy. I've felt it myself. And it makes me so proud, so happy, and so giggly to see him have it, too.
He's a thinker. A processer. Sensitive. And that makes these moments even sweeter. There are a lot of lessons in this game, clearly. There's teamwork and gross motor skills and taking turns. But there's also the lesson of taking the time and making the priority to do the things that thrill you. I want him to learn that, to know that, too. Here are a few more of my favorite shots (yup, after the jump).
When every single kid runs to get one little ball, that is pretty incredible coverage.
This is Lil E, lined up and waiting to bat.
Congratulating each other on another no-score, no-loser, landslide game! Woot!
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