In my head, the punchline's always dirty: No longer wrapped in it's own buns
Every time I look at this picture, I laugh. Why? Because I am a 15-year old boy trapped in the body of a curvalicious, highly sophisticated 37ish lady? Maybe. But mostly because this bad boy was parked outside of a hotel housing 473,000 blogging women and 14 men wearing shirts that said stuff like "Show Me Your Tweets" (no joke) and attending a session referring to them as "vaginally-challenged" (also no joke).
I also laugh because I cannot for the life of me figure out why the wiener is nakey these days. Didn't used to be lovingly and safely encased in gushy white buns? Or was it always speeding around on a skateboard toward...ohhh, I don't know...a willing and ravenous griller?
Just asking. Please resume whatever hot dogging you've been heretofore doing on your...umm...own.
Yeah, I'm done now. Thanks.
Reader Comments (3)
Also, you said wiener.