Some people write strongly worded letters: My own little way of flipping off Mother Nature

I had a thought this morning at 8:17 when the thermometer on my porch read 57-degrees: I hope that I haven't jinxed away the last drops of summer by ordering cold-weather boots.
As tempting as it is to think that my shoes have the power to bend the meteorological happenings of the planet, I really do recognize that I only react to the weather.
Even after those boots arrive on my doorstep, I will be reacting by wearing my sandals and peep toes until snow makes my little toes numb (as opposed to the normal numbness that comes with the height of the heel and squeezey point of the toe). My feet need to feel the breeze, even if it is frigid. Look at them today. My feet think it is Fourth of July and I'm out scrambling for back-to-school supplies and fleece jackets.
Taking the stance that I will be wearing my summer shoe wardrobe absolutely as long as possible also means I can procrastinate hunting around in my basement for my winter wardrobe. I adore every one of the sweaters and wool dresses and pairs of closed-toes in the big box marked "COLD WEATHER HELL GEAR" but the thought of just makes me feel whiny and stifled now.
Of course, it is only the first of September. And, who knows? It could be 90-degrees tomorrow. We could have a heat index of a gazillion after Labor Day. Sure, it's a tad too hopeful, but it has happened before. There could also be a blizzard (knock wood platforms). Either way, I won't be hunting around for my clicky-clicky summer shoes. Oh no. Regardless, they will already be on.
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