Another reminder that I am not blogging from the Oval Office

Why is this so darn cute when it comes to the President's kids and so freaking irritating when my own kid is crawling around near my desk when I am trying to finish up a work project?
Clearly, the Obama (and further back, the insanely adorable Kennedy) version of working from home has no translation for the Sassafam. That is, unless Sasha is squeaking out, "Please please please pleeeeeeeeeeeease can we we look at Star Wars stuff online? When can we look at Star Wars stuff on the compuuuuuuuter? Pleeeeeeeeeeease! Is it time yet? Is it time yet? Is it time to look at Star Wars stuff on the computer? Mommy! Mommy! Mommmmmmmyyyyy?!"
And then Barack gets all yelly and exasperated and says something that makes no parental sense like, "Seriously, dude! SERIOUSLY!"
Reader Comments (1)
Only because this picture is nothing like my working from home either and I often sound like that last line you wrote. I'm only partially saved by the fact that Noah has my ancient laptop and can look at his stuff when he wants, but never when I really need him to.