This made me a little weepy. But mostly proud
This will be quick. I have a body ravaged by the pukey flu this week that needs healing, hydrating and sleep. I have an anxious mind on fast-forward that needs to be soothed by placing my cold-weather running gear, clothes, water bottle and magic electrolyte beans all in a row to slip on while it's still dark in the morning. I have to foam roller my hip, stretch my calves, sync the final version of my playlist. Good Lord, I have to relax a little.
Tomorrow morning is the big 15K. I am thrilled. I am nervous as hell. I am saying little prayers.
But the people all around me -- my parents, Lil E, the now-near-pro Foodmomiac running with me, and even this guy from afar -- are filling my bucket with confident cheers.
I will let you know how I do, whether running, walking or crawling close-enough-to double digit miles. For now, I had to share this moment, a sign Lil E made. Once upon a time, when we cheered his dad from the sidelines of events, I felt contented in the "GO DADDY GO!"s. I dared not dream one of those signs would ever be waved for me.
Oh, life, with your winding path through rocky places and valleys and sliding right on over to Lake Shore Drive -- you are funny and unpredictable and wonderful. And I am so grateful.
Fingers crossed. Head up. Feet forward. This is a moment.
Here's me. He says I run fiercely, which I like. He says my running shoes are fancy, which I also like. And look! That's a group of hearts in the crowd (annnnnd strangely close my ummm, running skirt) giving me the big woo-hoo!
Even a dead guy is confident I will make it. Thanks, zombie fan!
Lil E, a projected self-portrait, from the sidelines.
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