Essential weekend reading: Should your kids see "The Avengers"? and other critical questions

Should you take your child to see "The Avengers"? Lil E has been talking about this movie like crazy. And his fire is further fueled by the Lego Club magazine cover with "Avenger guyyyyys". If only the move was PG-7-1/2. Kristen at Rage Against the Minivan says the "13" didn't keep her from taking her boy (who is E's age) and from giving it a thumbs-up. Read on for her super-thorough, super-trustworthy superhero review.
Want to be more productive during the weekday and declutter the weekend? The Boston Mamas are sharing their tried-and-true methods for taming the madness of paperwork, email, Pinterestimesuckage.
Wondering if they always be little bugs curled up on your chest to you? This post goes back a few weeks, but it has stayed with me. Maggie May's description of her teenaged son made me tear up to think of the boy I think is already leggy and letting go. This is pure honesty and loveliness.
Or if it's just enough to have a son - a silent, questioning son - on the other side of a camera? Rebecca Woolf at Girl's Gone Child writes about all the leaving and coming back of her boy. And I get it.
Have you felt the ache of infertility, even after having kids? This post by Allison really burrowed in to my own longings to have more children and worries about if and how that will all work. The definition of infertility seems to be much wider than we often even consider.
Did you love Eat, Pray, Love? It really doesn't matter whether you soaked up every word, as I did, or thought it was oversold and..and...whatever made you hate a lady talking about eating loads of pasta and learning to love sex. No matter. Elizabeth Gilbert's TED talk on a new-old way of thinking of creativity that is nourishing rather than self-destructing is completely engaging and inspiring and wonderful. Even if you didn't make it past chapter one of any of her books, this 20 minutes is worth your time. I swear on the last plate of bolognese I inhaled.
Did the Beastie Boys play on every decade of your life soundtrack? We say a sad farewell to Adam Yauch, MCA from BB, who ended his battle with cancer today. I am holding on to the memory of "Girls" playing over and over during the hours-long bus ride for my eighth-grade trip to Washington, D.C. That was back in the days of pressing play-stop-rewind-play. That's a long shared history. I think it's time to hit repeat on some of the classics for Lil E.
Here's how I'll make the appeal to the kid. (Legos + Beastie Boys?! Come. On. Genius.)
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