Skin that's still 25? Maybe. Just maybe (+ a super-fab skincare deal)

A few weekends ago, just after my 40th birthday, a mom I talk to regularly looked at me quizzically after we were discussing the year I got married, when I got divorced.
“You must have been very young when you had Lil E,” she said, looking at me sideways. “How old are you?”
I told her and she laughed.
“I thought you were 25. Seriously. I thought you must have had him so young.” Then I laughed.
This mom is my new best friend. She is actually younger than I am, but you know how this goes -- we all have our skewed perspectives on how other people, particularly women, and even more particularly, moms, look. She thought I looked fetal, and I love hearing that, but of course I don’t.
Happy? Healthy? Hilarious? Slathering on the lipstick? All yes. But, ummmm, so not 25.
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