It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a kickass new video show for single mamas!

I had Wonder Woman Underoos when I was a kid. They had a half-camisole that I pretended was a bra until I really did wear one (freshman year -- shut up). I felt powerful wearing garb like hers. My cup-size and Wonder Woman accessories expanded as my life did. I have a giant gold bracelet that snaps shut with a CLANG! and is so gawdy, it surely hold super-powers. I've had knee-highs and bustiers, not WW-branded but certainly a nod to my favorite high-heel-booted truth-teller with luxurious chestnut locks.
I'm channeling that spirit (and definitely a lasso of truth) with my latest project: A video series for single moms.
It's hosted on and is called (oh, you will love this) One-Der Woman: The Single Mom's Guide to Happiness.
Do me a favor and resist the temptation to call it One-Durrrr Woman or similar. And ignore my kid, who said, "If it is about you as a single mom PLUS your child, shouldn't it really be called TWO-DER WOMAN?"
Frankly, he has a point. And as much as I would love the bosom-heaving costumery of making this more TUDOR, I will stick to the bosom=heaving costumery of WONDER.
I will be sharing quick tips and field-tested advice on finding little moments of happiness, health and humor in the craziness of being a single mama. Other parents are welcome to tune in, too, of course. I will be sharing advice twice a month and keep you updated on the ONE-DER here.
So if you see me sailing by, seemingly sitting on air up above, wave quietly. I am probably filming a new episode.
In the debut episode of One-Der Woman, I do it right — with weird lighting and by showing my panties!
I’m not kidding. I justify the weird lighting because ladies of a certain age often want to crank down the fluorescence when panties are flashed.
So, please, click play. Laugh. Cry. Press play again. Follow my good advice because it works. I’ll bet my star-spangled shorts on it.
What would you like to see me cover? Have advice or questions or hilarious stories? Share them with me at onederwomanshowATgmailDOTcom.
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